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Htaccess default wordpress

julio 15, 2022

Htaccess file

For security reasons, as soon as Apache is started by the root user (directly or by startup scripts) it changes to this UID (User ID). The default user is http, which is created automatically during installation.

Change it, if you want, but don’t forget to also change <Directory “/srv/http”> to the value of your DocumentRoot, or you will most likely get an Error 403 (lack of privileges) when you try to access the new document root. Don’t forget to change the Require all denied line to Require all granted, otherwise you will get an Error 403. Remember that the DocumentRoot directory and its parent folders must allow execution permissions by others (can be set with chmod o+x /path/to/DocumentRoot), otherwise you will get an Error 403.

This directive in the <Directory> sections causes Apache to completely ignore the .htaccess files. Note that this is now the default in Apache 2.4, so you will have to explicitly allow overrides if you plan to use .htaccess files. If you intend to use mod_rewrite or other settings in .htaccess files, you can allow directives declared in that file to override the server configuration. For more information, refer to the Apache documentation.

Make htaccess file

The $ means that the host ends with – and the result is that all domains will trigger the next rewrite rule. Combined with the inverse “!” is the result of all hosts that is not will be redirected to this domain.

What does this security code say to do? Let’s take a look at Example 1 – redirected to The first line starts the rewrite module. The next line:

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The $ means that the host ends with – and the result is that all domains will trigger the following rewrite rule. In combination with the inverse “!” is the result of all hosts that is not will be redirected to this domain.

The next part$1 [L, R = 301] describes the destination of the rewrite rule – this is the domain name used “final”, where $ 1 contains the contents of the (*). .

WordPress no htaccess file

We also have the option to update automatically, although in this case I would advise you not to automatically update the plugin, and only update to stable versions and not betas.

Cache PHP resources: This option stores the PHP resources loaded by the themes, usually these JS and CSS outputs that are loaded in PHP are static, so it is convenient to cache them.

Note that some templates generate critical CSS, so you can disable this option. But if you want to use LiteSpeed critical CSS you have to insert in the area below the following snippet.

Separate CSS cache post types: If we have this option enabled a critical CSS will be created for each part, for example, a CSS will be created for post, CSS for pages, CSS for products,…

Separate CSS cache URLs: In the case of having particular urls within a section of our website, we can specify a specific url to act on it and not on all the others in that section.

Htaccess generator

In our experience there are 2 crucial issues that must be addressed: Speed and Security. This is exactly the added value that we are going to give you in our WordPress Hosting plan.

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We guarantee the improvement in speed of your website to less than 3 seconds, if it doesn’t improve we will refund your money and migrate you back at no cost, that’s how secure we are in our WordPress Hosting plans.

We provide protection to your WordPress and Woocommerce website, we will do what is necessary according to your case, load balancing, periodic backups, remote, incremental, use of CDN, WAF (Web application Firewall), malware protection, SSL, modification tracking, access levels and constant monitoring of the assigned IP.

One of the secrets to have a faster wordpress website is in the cache plugin. The graph on the left is the average number of requests served per second, the popular free plugins W3 Total Cache, Wp Fastest Cache, WP Super Cache and even the paid plugin WP Rocket are vastly outperformed by LSCache, which can only be used by Litespeed technology. Don’t worry about the configuration, we will do it as part of the migration at no additional cost. Source.

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